image credit: Dani Williamson
Meso Gallery
Sirkin 3, Haifa
08 – 09 March
6 AM to 6 AM
“Ships that pass in the night, and speak each other in passing, Only a signal shown and a distant voice in the darkness; So on the ocean of life we pass and speak one another, Only a look and a voice, then darkness again and a silence.”
‘Ships That Pass in the Night’, taken from the 1863 Henry Wordsworth Longfellow poem, is a durational event in which Austrian composer and organist Klaus Lang will perform for a full 24 hours. Over the course of the performance – from 6am to 6am – Klaus will play harmonium repertoires spanning from early music, to contemporary, experimental, and improvised pieces with additional performer interventions. Guest artists will join for 15-30 minute improvised duets, scattered within the 24 hour timeframe. Through this series of fleeting encounters, the consistent voice of the harmonium will lead us through the liminal space before the sunrise.
Join us for this event in Meso Gallery, Sirkin 3 Haifa, for 24 minutes or 24 hours; bring a pillow and stay the whole night. A full schedule of the entire 24 hours will be posted soon.
Presented by Ptilia Ensemble with the generous support of the Austrian Culture Forum.
In collaboration with Meso Gallery and Ithaca.

6:00 Klaus Lang Solo
11:00 + Maayan Tsadka
13:00 + Michal Sapir
14:00 + Harel Gal
15:00 + Shalom
17:00 + Ilan Barkani
18:00 + Eyal Netzer
19:00 + Shira Legman
20:00 Ithaca
“A Collection of Gazes at the Moon” by Yoav Levy – 15′ New Compostion by Lior Eytan
21:00 + Dan Weinstein
“Tehran Dust” by Klaus Lang
21:30 + Ram Gabay
22:00 + Anat Nazrathy
23:00 + Maayan Tsadka
23:30 + Faraj Srour
1:00 + Nadav Melamed
3:00 + Dani Williamson
5:00 Ensemble improvisation of all present