Hyperdirection 2.0

Orr Sinay
Dani Williamson


The Mill
Sha’ar HaAmakim

28 September 2021

Hyperdirection 2 is the second in a series of interactive sound and video performances by Orr Sinay and Dani Williamson.
It is a system of choices and decisions where the performer edits a video in real time through the software MaxMSP. The synthesis of these real-time edits, both controlled and not controlled, ask to create and represent a new elusive non-place, in conversation with various iterations of oneself. The video and sound mutually influence one another: as the performer’s choices in what they play is dictated by what they are seeing and hearing from the video and the video changes based on what the performer plays.
This version is a 30-minute deep exploration of percussive sounds and synchronization, performed by drummer Adam Cohen.



Orr Sinay, Dani Williamson – Hyperdirection 2.0 (2021)